Rotary Club of Chanakya Pride - Rotary India

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Total Services 24
Meeting #23 Official Club Visit ( OCV)

Our Club Rotary Chanakya Pride had our Official Club Visit (OCV) fo. . .

Meeting #24 Holi Milan

Our Club celebrated Holi Milan on 9th March at our member Shobhit K. . .

Meeting #22 Discussions for OCV and Holi Milan

Our Club members had a meeting to discuss about the OCV meeting and. . .

Meeting #21 Discussions for OCV

Agenda of the meeting : 1. Fix date for Ocv(Official Club Visit) 2. . .

Meeting #20 Discussions Kids Sports Day

We had a detailed discussion regarding the design of the medals, th. . .

Meeting #19 Discussions forSports Day and Carnival

This meeting was done on the venue to discuss about the decoration . . .

Meeting #18 Christmas Carnival

Our Club organised a Christmas and New Year Party on 24th Dec where. . .

Meeting #17 Discussions for SportsDay and Carnival

The members and convenors of Sports Day event met and discussed abo. . .

Meeting #16 Discussions for SportsDay and Carnival

Discussions were done regarding the sports day and Carnival. venue . . .

Meeting #15 Diwali Night Party

We hosted a diwali party where we had all the members and we also h. . .

Meeting #14 Discussions for Diwali Night

The following points were discussed : Title sponsor(1) Solo photobo. . .

Meeting #13 Club Meeting and Dandiya Night

Rotary Club of Chanakya Pride celebrated Dandiya and Garba Night wi. . .

Meeting #12 Discussions for Dandia night

Convenors had a meeting to discuss about the final points for decor. . .

Meeting #11 Discussions for Decor of Diwali Night

Points finalised for decor 1.10 tables in total 2.Partition area 3.. . .

Meeting #10 Discussions for Diwali Night

The following points were discussed 1. Food Menu with costing 2. O. . .

Meeting #9 Discussions for Diwali Night

We had the following points: 1. Conveyors for the Diwali event are . . .

Meeting #8 Discussion of Dandiya night

We had a meeting on 12th Sept at Hotel Maurya with the convenors o. . .

Meeting #7 Discussions for Club Meet Dandiya night

1. Notebooks to be distributed to students of classes 6,7,8 of Kan. . .

Meeting #6 Discussion of the projects to be done

1. Discussion regarding Independence Day 15th August a. Tarun Manka. . .

Meeting #5 Installation Ceremony

Our Grandreams 3.0 which marks as the 3rd year of our esteemed club. . .